Friday, November 21, 2008

I took two finals today.

Today was the last day of the Fall Quarter at my College, where I take two classes, once a week. I drive twenty five miles on the freeway to get to my college, and the day is enjoyable. Tonight, I started my car to make the trip home, and two of my class mates, a married couple who work on cars, gave me their phone number in case I ever need help with my car, since last week, I was having trouble getting it to start. It just dawned on me that in these times when most people would not care if the next guy had problems or not, these people actually were a refreshing change from that norm. Just another observation on what is happening in my sphere.

The times that try men's souls.

As I think that everything is not so good in the world, I think of the reasons for the conditions which are so troubling. I think about how humans are greedy, and all they think about is themselves; I think about people who talk about things they are concerned about, and it ends up to be a gossip session; I think about misunderstandings among friends, and apologies that are never made. We all need to learn to better communicate our needs and feelings to one another, and there needs to be true repentance when we are wrong, and we need to be willing to admit that we are wrong; when we are in want, we need to think that maybe we are not the only ones who are in want. So many of us are in a hurry; to go where? Are we so rushed that we cannot see the forest for the trees? Make it a point next time you see a flower to be thankful for it; somebody may have taken the time to water it and prune it so that it reached a beauty that is unsurpassed. It is there for us to see.