I am learning more every day about why things happen.
I have just finished writing an article and I am not sure when it will be publiched in a newsletter I have submitted it to, but I am putting it in my blog so you all can see it. It is important that we all know what is happening and why it is happening. So read on and enjoy.
Humanism-A Revolutionary Danger.
In society today, we are surrounded with concepts like psychology and philosophy. We have learned of theorists like Sigmund Freud and Karl Jung. Freud tried to tell us about psychotherapy and Jung advocated spiritualoism. All this has resulted in a confused worldview—so confused, in fact, that students in Christian schools are not well grounded in their faith.
What is happening in schools today to make our children and grandchildren have such a confused worldview? In 1961, in a court case called Torcelo versus Watkins, Atheistic Humanism was established in the US as a state church. Humanism is related to cultism, occultism, atheism, and liberal theology. In 1969, actress Jane Fonda spoke to Massachusetts Uni versity and said if they would study Communism, that they would hope and pray that they would soon become Communists. Karl Marx was a professed Christian who turned atheist and formed Communism.
Statistically, it looks bad when our schools will teach Hinduism and Islam, but forbid the mention of Jesus Christ. According to the Humanist Manifesto I, the original one, which was written and signed in 1933, and later revised to make it more “palatable” to the masses, it is a product of many minds. It was designed to represent a “Developing point of view”, and “not a new creed”, although it has become a creed to politics, the schools and some churches.
Humanism denies creation and that man is in the image of God. It refers to man’s development according to a process, which probably means that they advocate the theory of evolution. They hold an organic view of life and reject that the mind has a spiritual side to it at all. Humanism leans toward anthropology, which considers religion as a means of explaining the origin of things and nothing more. Thus, they render unacceptable anything cosmic or supernatural. Humanism therefore insists that the way to determine the existence and value of realities is by means of “intelligent inquiry” and by their assessment of their relation to human minds.
Do we wonder why people in education and other realms are so confused? Parents are bringing up their kids and teachers have to teach according to this stuff. Humanists deny theism, deism, modernism, and all the varieties of new thought. They justify the removal of prayer and even the mention of God or Christ in the schools by eliminating the emotional aspects of reverence to the supernatural.
The top insult of Humanism is that they think that the religious forms and ideas of our forefathers are “no longer adequate” as if God has suddenly left the picture completely. I experienced some of this in a cult that God brought me out of, and I want the rest of the world to know about this.
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