Sunday, December 04, 2005

Our Kids Think So Highly of These Famous Actors and Sports Heroes.

It has been eleven years since OJ was acquitted and then found guilty by a civil court, and now it has happened in 2005 to Robert Blake. How is he going to handle it? One can see what happened with OJ; he never paid a cent and he is in a state where he is protected by their laws. OJ is a lot younger than Blake; I wonder if that will make a difference. I guess time will tell, but Blake is old and he doesn't have much time. I will continue to watch this one.

Weather and Politics

First there were hurricanes, and this week, we have had fires. On the news on TV, we have seen the fires in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, but we can see from our own kitchen window a fire in our own area, the second of two, one of which was in the other direction three days ago. The second fire has been burning for two or three days, and no one can go outside, for it is hard to breathe.

There was a guy who had amassed lots of wealth who had it all destroyed in the fire, and that made me think that God must be targeting wealth at this point in time. Every area, it seems, is an area which is known for a lot of money being distributed or earned. There have been many survivors, and that has been good, but much wealth has been lost.

My mind has been on the church lately, and I have been reading about a statement that Jesus made, referring to something that is written in the Old Testament. Jesus said, "Tonight you will desert me, for the Scriptures say "I will strike your shepherd and the flock will scatter.'" This, according to John Kennington, is one of the Devil's strategies, to strike the leadership of the church and the people will quit the church.

This is happening in our church. We met last Sunday night to pray and determine if it was God's Will that we call a certain pastor to be our senior pastor (we have not had one for a year) There was much prayer, and then all of a sudden this one guy got up and talked against this prospective pastor, and they voted him down. They are both teachers, and it reminded me of the educational politics that I have seen in the field in which I work.Everybody is on a power trip, and they will step on the toes of the nearest one who gets in their way. But Does this belong in God's Church? It reminds me also of the cult I was in; there was no rhyme or reason to some of the things that they did.

This statement of Jesus is found at Matthew 26:31, and the book I am reading is called God's House, Our Home, and it is the most common sense book I have seen regarding the work of the church.

We survived many things in our lives, which we need to deal with and move forward in our goals and futures. One thing is the many forms of abuse which we could have experienced in life. Say for example we devote our lives to covering up wrongdoing. Like the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons do. Also some churches have the danger of becoming cultic in nature, and they commit abuses as well.

We can only do this with the help of God, through Jesus Christ.

Bless you all.

Comments on what we see now.

We are living in a time period in which there is mass communication such as there has never been before. There is also much more of every type of crime as a result. Many terrorist activities are as a result of this as well. Our entertainers have an edge on the respect of the young people in a way that there has never been before, because they can take their music and movies with them to school and listen to them whenever they have a free moment and be thus influenced by them. The electronic age is both a benefit and a detriment to the people of this time period.