Let us be free of Monopolies and other things.
Six weeks ago, my phone connection was interrupted. It turned out I owed money to both my current phone company and Verizon. Verizon shut me off, and told me that if I paid them 68 dollars that they would give me basic service until I got it all paid. I paid the 68 but they did not keep their end of the bargain. I thought I was paying my current phone company, but I was paying Verizon. It took two more weeks, and I was notified of the problem. My current phone company was not at fault. It was Verizon, and my 68 dollars went to them. So I paid my current phone company, then paid Verizon what I owed them. It was four more weeks until all was resolved, but Verizon wanted me to connect with them and I refused. Now I have one way service from my current company, but I can't get incoming calls. I hope this is over by Monday; I'll let you know.
If you ever get a letter from Blue Casa in the mail, that is the company I use. I get free long distance, free call waiting, and caller id. The price is lower, too, and I am on Life Line, which Verizon took me off of, and would not put me back on.
I have a brother in law who works for the telecommunications industry, and I am wondering if he even knows who his employer is.
It gets to be a mess.